Saturday, January 1, 2011


The last downtown lunch of 2010 happened on a cold, but beautiful day in Vancouver. I could think of no better way to celebrate the beautiful day than by going for some street food. A Twitter suggestion from @YVRBcbudz led me in the direction of Re-Up BBQ. Great suggestion since I had not made it to them yet.

Located at the Art Gallery near where the countdown clock was (still is?  I didn't notice...), the Re-Up sell pulled pork sandwiches and iced tea. Period.

ReUp BBQ 001
(picture taken on Dec 30, 2010- Vancouver rules!)

I love the little silver cart. After reading all the previous reviews of the cart, I expected a line up but I guess it was a bit cold for outside food. They are there until 3:00, or until the sandwiches sell out which from all accounts happens more often.

The woman staffing the cart was really warm with personality but looked really cold in her cart. I didn't order an iced tea, again cold day, but I did get a sandwich ($6.75) and she gave me a bag since I had decided I wasn't going to eat it outside.

ReUp BBQ 002

Not as fancy as brown paper wrapped, but just as practical.

I am going to admit that even though I have eaten a lot of it lately, I am not a huge pulled pork fan. I do predict that pulled pork is going to be a Vancouver food trend of 2011-Red Wagon, Re-Up for starters.

This sandwich was good.  I can see why they added "addictive" to their name on the sign. Perfect amount of a really nicely sweetened and smoked sauce and a huge portion of pork. A small topping of slaw gave it some crunch. I don't like when there is a huge pile of slaw so I was happy with this amount.

ReUp BBQ 003

I felt that the sandwich wasn't going to be enough for my hunger so I decided to spread the street food love for the day and got an order of chanterelle poutine from Fresh Local Wild at Granville and Robson. I then ducked into the mall and ate my RE-FLW combo at the food fair!

ReUp BBQ 004

You might notice the lack of fork in the picture. I was so caught up in the awesomeness of my idea that I didn't consider how I was going to eat it. No matter, it did not stop me and I loved my last street lunch combo of 2010.

Go 2011!

Re-Up BBQ Foodcart on Urbanspoon

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