I loved the Italian Days decor they had going.
I am a huge fan of street festivals. I get such enjoyment walking down the middle of what is normally a heavy traffic street. Although many of the restaurants on the Drive had street patios set up, Big M and I felt that a street festival called for some street food!
Since I had dragged Big M to the festival really early (I was excited), most of the vendors weren't quite ready when we were ready for some food. The Ragazzi truck had an excellently Italian set up going on so we decided to have a seat and wait for the pizza. This was an advantage as well as we were first in line for some really fresh pizza.
Ragazzi is normally located downtown near the Burrard Skytrain station. It is out of my lunch time comfort zone, so I had yet to try it. We felt it was the perfect option for Italian Days. They had a Margarita pizza and a Prosciutto pizza. The deal was 2 slices and a drink for $6.00. We both had a slice of each plus upgraded our drink for $1.00 more.
I really enjoyed the pizza. I think it helped that we got the first slices out of the truck. I liked the prosciutto one just a bit more because of the meat but i think they were basically the same pizza. The crust was crispy and it was a perfect amount of cheese for me. I don't like heavily cheesed pizzas.
I was surprised by the low rating on the Urbanspoon site. Once we got our pizza there was a line up 6 or 7 people deep the whole time we were eating. Maybe they are non-voting people...
A great experience on a great day. I can see myself going back to the truck when our office moves down that way later this summer.
PS. Look at how happy we looked in the sun and smoke from the Portuguese Club sardine cookout. Sigh.
I found them on their very 1st day in the new food truck. Los Angeles Catering