On a recent dinner
date, LL made a comment along the lines of "well, you eat out a lot", which made me ponder. Aside from lunch, I don't really eat out all that often. I used to eat out a lot, Pre-
JC, and I do eat out more now with the blog, but I really do a lot of more of my own cooking these days. I just don't post those pictures because they are not as interesting. The perfect solution to the boringness of those pictures, video montage! Look for that here soon as I figure out how to do it....
Or have a dinner party! It has been a long time since I had a dinner party. We haven't seen Jay and Robin in probably as long (bigger hermits than Big M and I!) Done. Now I can show off some fancy cooking skills that I learned in French cooking class. To make it extra interesting, Jay is a vegetarian who doesn't eat cheese. Vegetarian French Dinner Party! I did make Robin in charge of dessert as she went to pastry school. I am not going to pass up that opportunity!
It was my search for a veggie-French menu that led me to my new favorite food/recipe site,
Epicurious. I enjoy how this site will offer individual recipes or menus by holiday, party theme or ingredient. I really love the menus section as they not only list out the recipes in the menu, many offer an info tab that gives wine parings or timeline tips. Super helpful.
After the search was done I chose:
Roasted Garlic Soup with Parmesan
Strawberry Goat Cheese Spring Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette
Wild Mushroom and Leek Galettes
Tomatoes Provencale